Mr. Satish Pai
Managing Director
Mr. Praveen Kumar Maheshwari
Chief Financial Officer
Ms. Geetika Anand
Company Secretary
Mr. Samik Basu
Chief Human Resources Officer
Mr. Kailash Pandey
Business Head - Mining and Cluster Head - Sambalpur
Mr. Nilesh Koul
CEO - Downstream Aluminium Business
Mr. Rohit Pathak
CEO - Copper Business
Mr. Saurabh Khedekar
CEO - Alumina Business
Mr. Aniruddha Kulkarni
Chief Strategy Officer
Mr. Anil Mathew
Head Policy Advocacy and Chief Risk Officer
Mr. S. Kanakanand
Head - Manufacturing Centre of Excellence
Mr. V. R. Shankar
Head - Chief Legal Officer
Ms. Kopal Agrawal
Chief Procurement Officer
Mr. Sukanta Das
Chief Logistics Officer
Mr. Sameer Nayak
Head - Renukoot Cluster
Mr. Senthil Nath
Unit Head – Mahan Aluminium
Mr. Kumar Mangalam Birla
Mrs. Rajashree Birla
Non-Executive Director
Ms. Ananyashree Birla
Non-Executive Director
Mr. Aryaman Vikram Birla
Non-Executive Director
Mr. Sushil Agarwal
Non-Executive Director
Mr. Satish Pai
Managing Director
Mr. Praveen Kumar Maheshwari
Whole-Time Director and CFO
Mr. Anjani Kumar Agrawal
Independent Director
Mrs. Alka Marezban Bharucha
Independent Director
Mr. Arun Adhikari
Independent Director
Mr. Sudhir Mital
Independent Director
Ms. Sukanya Kripalu
Independent Director
Dr. Vikas Balia
Independent Director
Mr. Yazdi Piroj Dandiwala
Independent Director
Committee members as on 03-03-2022
Terms and Conditions of appointment of Independent Directors
Familiarisation programme for Independent Directors
Familiarisation programme
Familiarisation programme for Independent Directors 2022-23
Familiarisation programme for Independent Directors 2023-24
Familiarisation programme for Independent Directors 2024-25