Sustainable operations

Sustainable operations

Efficiency plays a crucial role in our growth and success. Our operations and processes are designed to minimise their impact on the environment. We have made significant efforts to reduce freshwater consumption, restore lands, preserve biodiversity and recycle waste. These ongoing efforts are a testament to our commitment to sustainable business practices.

Water positivity and zero liquid discharge (ZLD)

At Hindalco, we understand the importance of effective and efficient use of water. We follow the Group’s Water Stewardship Policy for water resource management, supported by Hindalco’s environment policy. There is a structured approach to ensure water security in areas where we operate. This is guided by our well-defined targets across all our operations.

  • We aim to

We aim to

  • Achieve water positivity across our mining sites by 2025
  • Reduce 20% specific freshwater consumption by 2025 against the baseline of FY2018-19
  • Achieve zero liquid discharge status by 2030 across all our plants (Aluminium Business ZLD Target- 2025, Copper Business ZLD Target-2030)
  • Water positivity across all units by 2050

Water consumption is tracked for each process and non-process use separately against predefined targets. The performance on water management is reviewed monthly by senior leadership at corporate and manufacturing sites. We have a Water Task Force (WTF) at all units with members from operational, utilities and environmental functions. WTF focuses on identifying key areas and maximising adoption of NITI Aayog’s water neutrality framework of 3M+7R (map, monitor, measure + reduce, recycle, recover, replenish, recharge, rejuvenate, recognise/respect), with a focus on long term physical, regulatory and stakeholder risks; financial aspects; and developing a risk mitigation plan supported by Aditya Birla Group Technical Standards. Regular training is conducted to keep task-force members adept with new technologies and regulatory compliances to drive the projects at site.

Our achievements

  • We achieved a 8.47% reduction in freshwater consumption in our aluminium operations, and a 65.56% reduction in our copper operations since FY2018-19, largely due to the closure of the fertiliser operation and our recycling efforts.
  • Our Dahej, Belagavi, Kuppam and Asoj plants fall under water stress areas. We achieved a significant 60% reduction in freshwater consumption from FY2018‑19 (23.62 m3/MT) at Dahej. This was primarily due to the commissioning of a desalination plant with GIDC, and the commissioning of a 2,000 KLD tertiary water recycling unit plant. At Belagavi, by optimising processes, implementing recirculation/recovery, and reusing water in the system, we reduced specific water consumption by 27% from FY2020‑21. At Asoj and Kuppam (newly acquired), we have achieved a 20% and 14% reduction in SWFC respectively from FY2022‑23.
  • We have achieved ZLD status at 15 out of 19 sites so far, and are on track to achieve ZLD across all sites by FY2030. To achieve this target, we have adopted processes to recirculate, reuse and recycle the outlet process water to reduce freshwater consumption. In FY2023-24, we recycled 18.91 million m3 of water, of which 16.95 million m3 was at aluminium operations with a recycling rate of 25.12% and 1.96 million m3 at copper operations with a recycling rate of 28%.
  • Integrated watershed management is a key aspect of water conservation. We have undertaken various initiatives as a part of our watershed management programme, which include the construction of bunds, gully plugs, rainwater harvesting ponds, contours and terraces. We have developed infrastructure for rainwater storage outside the boundary with a capacity of over 5.3 million m3. Our plants have also developed structures for rainwater and raw water storage with a total capacity of 20.8 million m3.
Biodiversity conservation with no net loss

Biodiversity conservation with no net loss

Hindalco follows the concepts of avoidance, minimisation, restoration and compensation offsets to achieve no net loss in biodiversity by 2050.

We recognise that conserving biodiversity requires the collective effort of all our internal stakeholders. Hence, each of our sites has a biodiversity team with cross-functional members and a biodiversity champion to lead the site's biodiversity efforts. The main objective of this team is to enhance biodiversity within and outside plant boundaries with the help of the CSR department and to engage with local stakeholders to achieve targets. We have developed a biodiversity policy and identified and prioritised high-risk sites. Of our 41 operating sites, four plants and seven mines have been designated as high-priority sites. We have developed biodiversity management plans for 21 high- and medium-priority sites and will cover the remaining sites by FY2024–25.

Rehabilitation of ash mound at Hirakud

Rehabilitation of ash mound at Hirakud

Hindalco initiated the rehabilitation of the Hirakud fly ash dump site over a decade ago. To ensure effective ecological restoration, the company collaborated with experts to enhance the local flora and fauna.

Currently, Hindalco is developing a comprehensive ecological restoration programme in partnership with IUCN experts. This initiative aims to significantly increase native biodiversity, engage the local community, and optimise the use of forest resources. The programme incorporates adaptive management concepts, where actions are designed to generate knowledge and maximise the restoration of ecosystems.