Tailings management

Tailings management

Establishing safe tailings management is essential for our business. It is closely integrated with ore extraction and processing activities. Our corporate policy on tailings management is fundamental to the overall business strategy and is incorporated into site-wide policies, objectives and plans.

A tailings management facility (TMF) can pose significant risks, as evidenced by global failures in mining and other industries. A TMF failure can lead to substantial loss of life, major destruction to infrastructure, and severe environmental damage. The tailings management policy ensures our TMFs are managed to minimise risks and impacts on the environment, local communities and employees. We strive for high standards of operational efficiency and regulatory compliance throughout the lifecycle of TMFs, including project conception, design, construction, operation, closure and post-closure. 

Our commitment to safe, responsible and sustainable TMF management is integral to our operations, and we urge all employees, contractors and partners to establish safe and sustainable tailing management practices.

How we manage tailings

How we manage tailings

At Hindalco, we recognise our responsibility to maximise the value derived from the minerals and materials that we produce, prioritising safety and sustainability. Major tailings generated at Hindalco is bauxite residue that is produced during Bayers process (digestion stage) in alumina refineries. 

We have established dry stacking facilities with press filtration technology capable of providing filter cake with moisture content as low as 25% to 28%. The residue is then shifted to bauxite residue disposal areas also called as red mud disposal areas by conveyors or through tippers that are completely covered.

What is GISTM

What is GISTM?

The Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management (GISTM) is a robust framework developed to enhance the safety, sustainability, and overall management of tailings facilities in the mining industry. GISTM strives to achieve the ultimate goal of zero harm to people and the environment. This is reinforced by an integrated approach to tailings management. The standard aims to prevent catastrophic failure and enhance the safety of mine tailings facilities across the globe. It embodies a step change in terms of transparency, accountability and in safeguarding the rights of people affected by the project.

Our commitment to conforming to the GISTM presents an opportunity to continuously refine our comprehensive tailings management practices and ensure a greater level of transparency.

Plate and frame filter at Utkal that increases solid concentration up to 75-78%.

We adhere to the highest engineering standards and employ best-in-class safety and environmental management practices. Regular reviews are conducted through well-known independent third parties. Our unwavering goal is to prevent harm to both nature and people, and we are constantly enhancing our systems and processes.