Disclosures under Regulation 46 and 62 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015

Title Links
Details of business
Memorandum of association and articles of association
Brief profile of Board of Directors
Terms and conditions of appointment of the independent directors
Composition of committees
Code of conduct
Vigil mechanism and whistle-blower policy
Remuneration policy for directors
Policy on materiality of related party transactions and on dealing with related party transaction
Policy for determining material subsidiaries
Familiarisation programme for independent directors
Contact details
Notice of board meeting
Financial result(s)
Annual report(s)
Shareholding pattern
Schedule of analysts or institutional investors meet
Presentations made to analysts or institutional investors
Audio and video recordings
Transcripts of post earnings conference calls
Newspaper advertisement
Credit rating
Audited financial statements of subsidiaries
Secretarial audit report of material subsidiaries
Secretarial compliance report
Policy on determination and disclosure of materiality of events and information and web archival policy
Contact details of personnel authorised to determine materiality of event and information
Disclosure under regulation 30(8)
Statement of deviation or variation
Dividend distribution policy
Annual return
ESOP scheme