You will not be able to transfer shares of the Company held in physical form. As per SEBI mandate, transfer of shares can be carried out in dematerialised form only with effect from April 1, 2019. The process for dematerialisation of shares is set out in Part II of the FAQs.
You can continue to hold your shares in physical form. However, you cannot do any transactions on shares held in physical form. Given this and considering the risks of loss/damage associated with holding shares in paper form, it is advised to get your holding dematerialised.
You may write a request letter duly signed as per the specimen signature(s) registered to the Registrar and Share Transfer Agent (RTA) i.e.- Link Intime India Pvt. Ltd of the Company for non-receipt of share certificate by quoting your folio number.
Dematerialisation (or Demat) signifies the conversion of a share certificate from its present physical form to electronic form for the same number of holdings.
It is a direct application of scope provided by the tremendous progress made in the area of Information Technology, it offers scope for paperless trading through state-of-the-art technology, whereby share transactions and transfers are processed electronically after the share certificates have been converted from physical to electronic form.
Dematerialisation of shares is optional and an investor can still hold shares in the physical form. However, he/she has to demat the shares if he/she wishes to sell or transfer the same. Similarly, if an investor purchases shares, he/she will get delivery of the shares in demat form only. Further, vide Gazette Notification no. SEBI/LAD-NRO/GN/2022/66 dated January 24, 2022, SEBI has made it mandatory for listed companies to issue securities in dematerialised form only while processing investor service requests like issuance of duplicate certificates, transmission, transposition, exchange/subdivision/consolidation of share certificates, etc.
The Depositories Act, 1996 has been enacted to regulate the matters related and incidental to the operation of Depositories and demat operations. Two Depositories are in operation - National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) and Central Depository Services Limited (CDSL).
The operations in the Depository System involve the Depositories, Depository Participants, Company/Registrars and Investors.
A Depository (NSDL and CDSL) is an organisation like a Central Bank, i.e. Reserve Bank, where the securities of an investor are held in the electronic form through Depository Participants.
A Depository Participant is the agent of the Depository and is the medium through which shares are held in the electronic form. They are also the representatives of the Investor, providing the link between the Investor and the Company/ Registrar through the Depository.
To draw an analogy, the Depository System functions in a manner similar to a banking system. A bank holds funds in accounts whereas a Depository holds securities in accounts for its clients. A bank transfers funds between accounts while a Depository transfers securities between accounts.
In both systems, the transfer of funds or securities occurs without the actual handling of funds or securities. Both, the bank and the Depository, are accountable for the safe keeping of funds and securities respectively. The Company signs an Agreement with NSDL/CDSL (the depositories) and installs the necessary hardware/software for operations.
First, you need to open an account with a Depository Participant (DP) and obtain a unique Client ID number. Thereafter, you need to fill up a Dematerialisation Request Form (DRF) provided by the DP and surrender the physical shares intended to be dematerialised to the DP.
Upon receipt of the shares and the DRF, the DP will send electronic requests through the Depository to the Company/Registrar for confirmation of demat. Each request will bear a unique transaction number.
Simultaneously, the DP will surrender the DRF and the shares to the Company with a covering letter requesting the Company/Registrar to confirm the demat. After verifying the documents received from the DP, the Company/Registrar will confirm the demat to the Depository.
This confirmation will be passed on from the Depository to the DP, which holds your account. After receiving this confirmation from the Depository, the DP will credit the account with the dematerialised shares. The DP will then hold the shares in the dematerialised form on your behalf and you become the beneficial owner of these dematerialised shares.
The charges for demat have to be borne by the shareholder. The charges differ from DP to DP and therefore you will have to contact your DP for details regarding the same.
Shares should be registered in your favour before they can be dematerialised. Please ensure that the shares are registered in your name, before sending the same for dematerialisation.
On the Record date, the DPs will provide a list of demat account holders indicating the number of shares held in electronic form (known as Benpos – Beneficiary Position). On the basis of Benpos, the Company will make dividend payments in favour of the demat account holders.
The rights of the shareholders holding shares in demat form are at par with holders of shares in physical form. Hence, you will be eligible to receive the Annual Report and can rightfully attend the AGM as a shareholder.
It is mandatory for you to register your NECS mandate with your DP which enables us to credit all your dividends electronically.
Common risk factors applicable to trading in physical shares like mismatch in signatures, loss in postal transit, etc., are absent since dematerialised shares are traded scrip-less.
However, in the unlikely event of any dispute, your DP would have to be approached for resolution of the same.
Q.8 Can I pledge my shares in demat form to avail any funding/loan arrangement with my bankers?
As per the Depository Regulations, the Company is obliged to take on record the details of demat shareholders furnished by the concerned DP. Since the Depository is the custodian of the shares held in demat form, the Company cannot make any change in such records received from the Depository.
To make a nomination, you need to submit a duly filled in and signed nomination form (Form SH-13) in duplicate. If you hold shares along with other holders, then all holders are required to sign the nomination form.
Nomination Form is available on the website for download.
Nomination in respect of shares held in physical form can be sent to the Company. After the Company receives the form and finds it in order, a registration number will be allotted to the nomination. A duplicate copy of the nomination form submitted by you will then be returned to you with an endorsement indicating the registration number and date.
In case of dematerialised shares, your nomination has to be recorded with your DP.
share certificate(s) are not required for registration of nomination.
Joint holders are not nominees. They are joint holders of the relevant shares. In the event of death of any one of the joint holders, the surviving joint holder/s of the shares is/are the only person/persons recognized by the Company as the holders of the shares.
A nomination once made can be revoked by submitting a fresh nomination. If the nomination is made by joint holders, and one of the joint-holders dies, the surviving joint holder/s can make a fresh nomination by revoking the existing nomination.
In case of shares held by sole holder, upon the death of the shareholder, the nominee, to the exclusion of any other legal heir/beneficiary, is the only person in whom the shares vest. In other words, in case of a valid nomination, the Company will not entertain any claim from legal heirs or beneficiaries and the shares will be transmitted only in favour of the Nominee.
In case the nomination is made by joint-holders, it will come into play only upon the death of all the joint holders. Therefore, if one of the joint shareholders dies, the shares will devolve on the surviving shareholders to the exclusion of the nominee. In this case, the surviving shareholders may make a fresh nomination if they so desire.
Upon the death of a shareholder, the nominee is entitled to have the shares transmitted in his/her favour. He/she is required to submit a request in writing in Form ISR-5 along with the original share certificate and an attested copy of the death certificate of the deceased shareholder.
If a nominee opts for registration of shares in his/her name, he/she has to submit a Transmission Form along with a self-attested copy of the pan card.
Upon scrutiny of the documents submitted by the nominee, a Letter of Confirmation will be issued by the Registrar. Within 120 days of issuance of the letter, the nominee shall submit the demat request along with the letter to the DP.
For making a nomination with respect to dematerialised shares, you will have to approach your DP.
The surviving shareholders are required to submit a request letter in Form ISR-4 supported by a self-attested copy of pan card of all surviving holders, an attested copy of the Death Certificate of the deceased shareholder and the relevant share certificates. It is advisable if the documents are accompanied by a duly executed Transmission Form. The form is available for download on the website.
The Company, on receipt of the said documents, will delete the name of deceased shareholder from its records and issue a Letter of Confirmation in favour of the surviving registered holder. Within 120 days of issuance of the letter, you are required to submit the demat request along with the Letter of Confirmation to the DP.
You need to send a request letter in Form ISR-1 quoting the folio number signed by all the shareholders providing the new address along with the pin code. The request letter should be accompanied by self-attested copy of pan card of all the holders and self-attested copy of valid proof of address.
No. There can be only one registered address for one folio.
Since your DP maintains the records of your dematerialised shares, you have to approach your DP to effect any change in your address.
You may write to the Registrar and Share Transfer Agent (RTA) i.e.- Link Intime India Pvt. Ltd of the Company for non-receipt of dividend by quoting your folio number/client ID particulars (in case of dematerialised shares).
Since the dividend warrants are payable at par at all branches of the dividend banker across the country, it is not practically possible for banks to issue stop payment instructions. Hence, it becomes necessary for us to wait till the expiry of the validity of original warrant.
As per the Companies Act, 2013, dividends amount remained unclaimed for a period of seven years, statutorily get transferred to the Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) administered by the Central Government and thereafter has to be claimed by investors from the IEPF Authority. To ensure maximum disbursement of unclaimed dividend, the Company sends reminders to the concerned investors at their registered address and publish the ‘Notice’ in leading newspaper circulating at par before transfer of dividend to IEPF.
If you hold shares in physical form, please submit the request in Form ISR-1 , which can be downloaded from our website, duly executed along with a copy of cancelled cheque or self-attested copy of bank statement to the RTA - Link Intime India Pvt. Ltd which will be incorporated in all your future dividend payments.
However, if you hold the shares in demat form, these details will have to be provided to the DP with whom you have a demat account.
Under this system, you can receive credit of dividend amount in electronic mode by way of direct credit to your bank account. This avoids a lot of hassles like loss, postal delay, fraudulent interception of dividend warrants during postal transit. This also expedites payment through credit to your account compared to dividend warrants in the physical form. We would strongly recommend that you opt for NECS, if you have not done so already.
If you are holding shares in physical form, you are required to submit the bank details in Form ISR-1 , which can be downloaded from our website, duly completed along with a copy of cheque leaf/self-attested copy of bank Pass-Book (front page containing all related details) and we shall take due note of the same in the records. All subsequent dividends will be paid to you through direct credit to your bank account.
If you are holding shares in demat form, you may approach your Depository Participant for updating NECS mandate.
Please write a letter (duly signed as per specimen signature(s) registered) to our RTA immediately about the loss of share certificate(s). Kindly quote your folio number and, if available, details of share certificates. We shall immediately mark a caution on your folio for the lost share certificates.
Upon receipt of intimation about loss of certificates, the Registrar will revert with the required formalities to be complied with for obtaining duplicate certificates.
Please surrender the original share certificate to the Company/Registrar immediately if duplicate share certificates have been issued. However, if the original share certificates are found before you comply with the procedure for obtaining duplicate share certificates, please inform the Registrar immediately so that we can remove the caution from your folio immediately.
Green Initiative is an effort of the Government of India which aims at reducing paper consumption thereby contributing to a greener environment.
Towards this end, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs vide its Circular Nos. 17/2011 dated April 21, 2011 and 18/2011 dated April 29, 2011 commenced the “Green Initiative in Corporate Governance” thereby allowing Companies to issue Annual Reports and other documents to the shareholders in electronic mode.
By registering for Green Initiative, every shareholder will get an opportunity to contribute to this noble cause for the benefit of our future generations.
To register for E-communication, you need to have an email id. You may either write to our Registrar for updating E-Communication Registration.
Please forward your share certificates along with a request letter in Form ISR-4 signed by all the registered shareholder/s and we shall issue a letter of confirmation accordingly. Within 120 days of issuance of the letter, you are required to submit the demat request along with the letter to the DP.
Yes. Please forward the share certificate relating to those folios which you wish to merge along with a request letter in Form ISR-4 duly signed by all the registered holders and we shall consolidate your folios and issue a Letter of Confirmation. Within 120 days of issuance of the letter, you are required to submit the demat request along with the letter to the DP.
You may please note that the folios to be consolidated should be in the identical name and/or in the same order of identical names (in case of joint-holding) and bear the same address.
Please forward your share certificates of merged companies to our Registrar along with a request letter in Form ISR-4 signed by the registered shareholder/s for the status of the shares.
Yes. You will have to execute a Power of Attorney in favour of the concerned person and submit a notarised copy of the same to the Registrar for registration. After scrutiny of the documents, we shall register the Power of Attorney and provide you with the registration number of the same.
Please forward your share certificates along with a request in Form ISR-4 for Transposition duly signed by all the joint-holders as per the specimen signatures recorded with the Company.
SEBI vide its Circular dated November 3, 2021 has made it mandatory for holders of physical securities to furnish details of PAN, email address, mobile number, bank account and nomination/opt-out of nomination.
Please note that folios wherein any one of the above-mentioned document / details are not registered, shall be frozen on April 1, 2023. Further, in respect of such folio(s), you will not be eligible to lodge grievance or avail any services from Company or Registrar and receive dividend, till the above mentioned details are furnished. Lastly, as per the above SEBI circular, the frozen folios shall be referred by RTA /Company to the administering authority under the Benami Transactions (Prohibitions) Act, 1988 and or Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002, after December 31, 2025.
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