
People, planet and policy

Our ESG Commitments

Our ESG commitments

To achieve net zero, water positive, no net loss to biodiversity and zero waste to landfill status by 2025

At Hindalco, sustainability means more than manufacturing products that are sustainable and reducing our carbon footprint. Being a global metals powerhouse, it is our responsibility to embrace sustainability as a way of life and work towards making the world greener, stronger and smarter.

We are the only aluminium company to be a part of the DJSI World Index and have retained DJSI’s title of the most sustainable aluminium company for five consecutive years.

Our commitment to sustainability reflects in our consistent performance and growth. Our sustainability initiatives focus on four key axes–emissions, water, waste and biodiversity. Each area has ambitious targets, which we aim to achieve through strategic investments and by spearheading the adoption of green technology and circular innovation.



People are our biggest assets, and at Hindalco, we constantly work towards delivering value to our stakeholders. We believe that our success results from the trust bestowed upon us by our partners, investors, employees and the community at large.

We regularly engage with our stakeholders to identify and understand their key concerns and make continuous efforts to address them proactively and promptly.

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  • Hindalco - Creating value for the community
  • Hindalco - Creating value for the community
  • Hindalco - Creating value for the community
  • Hindalco - Creating value for the community
  • Hindalco - Creating value for the community
  • Hindalco - Creating value for the community
  • Hindalco - Creating value for the community
  • Hindalco - Creating value for the community
  • Hindalco - Creating value for the community
  • Hindalco - Creating value for the community
  • Hindalco - Creating value for the community
  • Hindalco - Creating value for the community
  • Hindalco - Creating value for the community
  • Hindalco - Creating value for the community
  • Hindalco - Creating value for the community
  • Hindalco - Creating value for the community
  • Hindalco - Creating value for the community

Check our sustainability policy


Nature is our most precious capital, and as a responsible business, our key focus is on improving our operational efficiencies to prevent, halt and restore our impact on the ecosystem. Our sustainability initiatives span our entire operational value chain. Our key focus areas–emissions, water, waste and biodiversity are designed to help us go beyond our limits and drive positive change.

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  • Hindalco - Creating value for the community
  • Hindalco - Creating value for the community
  • Hindalco - Creating value for the community
  • Hindalco - Creating value for the community
  • Hindalco - Creating value for the community
  • Hindalco - Creating value for the community
  • Hindalco - Creating value for the community
  • Hindalco - Creating value for the community
  • Hindalco - Creating value for the community
  • Hindalco - Creating value for the community
  • Hindalco - Creating value for the community
  • Hindalco - Creating value for the community
  • Hindalco - Creating value for the community
  • Hindalco - Creating value for the community
  • Hindalco - Creating value for the community
  • Hindalco - Creating value for the community
  • Hindalco - Creating value for the community

Check our sustainability policy


Our business philosophy and ethics are guided by Aditya Birla Group's values of integrity and commitment. Our transparent processes ensure that our people conduct themselves with the highest ethical standards. We have set clear policies and an institutional framework that allows us to systematically monitor performance, encourage continuous improvements and innovative practices, and deepen dialogue with all stakeholders.

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Scoring big on green parameters

Scoring big on green parameters

Recognised by S&P Global CSA as the world’s most sustainable aluminium company

60% installed renewable capacity (without storage) from FY 2022‑23

60% installed renewable capacity (without storage) from FY 2022‑23

19.54% reduction in specific greenhouse gases

19.54% reduction in specific greenhouse gases

5 mines certified for water positivity, and 15 plants ZLD

5 mines certified for water positivity, and 15 plants ZLD

85% recycling of hazardous and non-hazardous waste

85% recycling of hazardous and non-hazardous waste

17 Biodiversity management plans for high priority areas

17 Biodiversity management plans for high priority areas

17 Biodiversity Management Plans (BMPs)

17 Biodiversity Management Plans (BMPs)