Particulars 2023-24 2023-24@ 2022-23@ 2021-22@ 2020-21@ 2019-20@ 2018-19@ 2017-18@
Profitability US$ in Mn*              
Sales and Operating Revenues 9,287 83,009 76,878 67,653 42,701 40,242 45,749 43,446
Less: Cost of Sales 8,384 75,509 69,403 56,360 38,467 36,578 41,503 38,322
Operating profit 903 7,500 7,475 11,293 4,234 3,664 4,246 5,124
Other Income 71 703 586 535 650 739 940 948
Less: Depreciation, Amortization and Impairment 233 1,961 1,927 1,847 1,848 1,708 1,693 1,617
Less: Interest and Finance Charges 157 1,268 1,300 1,417 1,469 1,679 1,683 1,901
Profit before Exceptional Items and Tax 584 4,974 4,834 8,564 1,567 1,016 1,810 2,554
Exceptional Income / (Expenses) (Net) 5 21 41 (107) 7 (64) - (325)
Profit / (Loss) before Tax from Continuing Operations 589 4,995 4,875 8,457 1,574 952 1,810 2,229
Less: Tax Expenses 187 1,298 1,549 2,950 581 332 605 793
Profit / (Loss) from Continuing Operations 402 3,697 3,326 5,507 993 1,205 1,436 1,436
Profit / (Loss) from Discontinued Operations (Net of Tax) - - - - - - - -
Profit / (Loss) for the Period 402 3,697 3,326 5,507 993 620 1,205 1,436
Business Reconstruction Reserve (BRR)#                
Expenses adjusted against BRR (Net of Tax)           - - -
Profit / (Loss) for the Period had the expenses not adjusted against BRR 402 3,697 3,326 5,507 993 620 1,205 1,436
FINANCIAL POSITION                
Gross Fixed Assets (excluding CWIP) 6,442 56,421 53,703 52,507 51,080 50,296 48,898 48,264
Capital Work-in-Progress (CWIP)** 358 4,040 2,987 1,581 1,709 1,282 982 737
Less: Accumulated Depreciation, Amortization and Impairment 2,591 23,211 21,600 20,207 18,690 16,928 15,376 13,900
Net Fixed Assets 4,209 37,250 35,090 33,881 34,099 34,650 34,504 35,101
Investments 3,570 29,735 29,766 29,655 31,731 24,639 25,495 27,025
Other Non-Current Assets / (Liabilities) (Net) (447) (4,806) (3,725) (3,473) (2,365) (2,223) (1,565) (708)
Net Current Assets 1,159 9,168 9,666 13,444 6,528 11,478 9,658 8,330
Capital Employed 8,492 71,347 70,797 73,507 69,993 68,544 68,092 69,748
Less: Loan Funds 1,476 7,640 12,308 19,079 19,929 23,050 19,534 20,297
Net Worth 7,016 63,707 58,489 54,428 50,064 45,494 48,558 49,451
Net Worth represented by :                
Equity Share Capital 27 222 222 222 222 222 222 223
Other Equity:                
Share Warrants             - -
Reserves and Surplus 6,181 54,519 51,531 49,178 44,310 43,482 43,285 42,497
Other Comprehensive Income 808 8,966 6,736 5,028 5,532 1,790 5,051 6,731
PROFITABILITY 7,016 63,707 58,489 54,428 50,064 45,494 48,558 49,451
  Unit 2023-24@ 2022-23@ 2021-22@ 2020-21@ 2019-20@ 2018-19@ 2017-18@
Operating margin % 9.04 9.72 16.69 9.92 9.11 9.28 11.79
Net margin % 4.45 4.33 8.14 2.33 1.54 2.63 3.31
Gross Interest Cover Times 6.00 5.98 8.20 3.29 2.62 3.08 3.18
Net Interest Cover Times 6.47 6.20 8.35 3.32 2.62 3.08 3.19
% 8.78 8.50 13.91 4.38 3.94 5.07 6.18
% 6.05 5.89 10.54 2.08 1.32 2.46 2.97
Basic EPS
Rs. 16.64 14.96 24.76 4.46 2.79 5.41 6.45
Diluted EPS Rs. 16.62 14.94 24.73 4.46 2.79 5.41 6.45
Cash EPS Rs. 25.50 23.66 33.07 12.77 10.47 13.01 13.70
Dividend per Share ## Rs. 3.50 3.00 4.00 3.00 1.00 1.20 1.20
Capital Expenditure (Cash outflow) Rs.Crore 3,776 2,726 1,506 1,137 1,395 1,263 1,178
Debt Equity Ratio Times 0.13 0.22 0.36 0.40 0.51 0.40 0.41
Book value per Share Rs. 283.44 260.23 242.16 222.84 202.49 216.25 220.28
Market Capitalisation$ Rs.Crore 125,900 91,196 127,976 73,433 21,502 46,145 48,166
Number of Equity Shareholders Nos. 6,41,541 676,110 503,729 348,471 332,014 304,345 299,521
Number of Employees Nos. 21,761 21,440 21,151 20,971 22,477 22,865 23,555
Average Cash LME (Aluminium) US$ 2,202 2,490 2,769 1,802 1,749 2,035 2,046
Average Cash LME (Copper) US$ 8,353 8,551 9,691 6,879 5,855 6,337 6,451

* Balance Sheet items are translated at closing exchange rate and Profit and Loss items are translated at average exchange rate.
** Including Intangible assets under development
# Financial restructuring scheme formulated by the Company under the provisions of the Companies Act, approved by the Bombay High Court, to deal with various costs associated with its organic and inorganic growth plan.
## Proposed/Interim Dividend for the Period
@ Figures for FY 2023-24, FY 2022-23, FY 2021 -22, FY 2020-21, FY 2019-20, FY 2018-19, FY 2017-18, FY 2016-17 and FY 2015-16 are as per Ind AS compliant financial statements. Previous periods figures are as per Previous GAAP financial statements.
$ including Treasury shares held by the Company
Gross interest coverage ratio is calculated as Operating Profi t plus Other Income ivided by Interest and Finance Charges plus Finance costs transferred to Capital Work-in-Progress/ Intangible Assets under development.
Cash EPS is calculated as Profit/ (Loss) for the year plus Depreciation, Amortization and Impairment divided by Weighted average numbers of equity shares.