(Rs. crore) |
Note No. |
Year ended
31/03/2024 |
Year ended
31/03/2023 |
Revenue from Operations |
17 |
215,962 |
223,202 |
Other Income |
18 |
1,496 |
1,257 |
Total Income |
217,458 |
224,459 |
Cost of Materials Consumed |
19 |
130,768 |
135,976 |
Trade Purchases |
20 |
1,758 |
1,553 |
Changes in Inventories of Finished Goods, Work-in-Progress and Stock-in-Trade |
8B |
1,329 |
3,241 |
Employee Benefi ts Expenses |
14A |
14,778 |
13,063 |
Power and Fuel |
21 |
14,476 |
17,346 |
Finance Costs |
22 |
3,858 |
3,646 |
Depreciation and Amortization Expense |
3G |
7,521 |
7,086 |
Impairment Loss/ (Reversal) of Non-Current Assets (Net) |
3H |
360 |
208 |
Impairment Loss on Financial Assets (Net) |
23 |
25 |
11 |
Other Expenses |
24 |
28,596 |
29,138 |
Total Expenses |
203,469 |
211,268 |
Profit/ (Loss) before Share in Profit/ (Loss) in Equity Accounted Investments, Exceptional Items and Tax |
13,989 |
13,191 |
Share in Profi t/ (Loss) in Equity Accounted Investments (Net of Tax) |
1C |
2 |
9 |
Profi t/ (Loss) before Exceptional Items and Tax |
13,991 |
13,200 |
Exceptional Income/ (Expenses) (Net) |
25 |
21 |
41 |
Profi t/ (Loss) before Tax |
14,012 |
13,241 |
Tax Expenses |
6A |
Current Tax |
3,005 |
2,856 |
Deferred Tax |
852 |
288 |
Profit/ (Loss) for the year |
10,155 |
10,097 |
Other Comprehensive Income/ (Loss) |
26 |
Items that will not be reclassifi ed to Statement of Profi t and Loss |
Remeasurement of Defined Benefit Obligation |
(223) |
969 |
Change in Fair Value of Equity Instruments Designated as FVTOCI |
2,800 |
(494) |
Income Tax effect |
(242 |
(199) |
Items that will be reclassifi ed to Statement of Profit and Loss |
Change in Fair Value of Trade Receivables Designated as FVTOCI |
(77) |
- |
Change in Fair Value of Debt Instruments Designated as FVTOCI |
8 |
(13) |
Effective Portion of Cash Flow Hedges |
(850 |
7,773 |
Cost of Hedging Reserve |
(36) |
64 |
Foreign Currency Translation Reserve |
272 |
1,704 |
Income Tax effect |
278 |
(2,344) |
Other Comprehensive Income/ (Loss) for the year |
1,930 |
7,460 |
Total Comprehensive Income/ (Loss) for the year |
12,085 |
17,557 |
Profit/ (Loss) attributable to: |
Owners of the Company |
10,155 |
10,097 |
Non-Controlling Interests |
- |
- |
Other Comprehensive Income/ (Loss) attributable to: |
Owners of the Company |
1,930 |
7,460 |
Non-Controlling Interests |
Total Comprehensive Income/ (Loss) attributable to: |
Owners of the Company |
12,085 |
17,557 |
Non-Controlling Interests |
- |
Total Comprehensive Income/ (Loss) attributable to Owners of the Company from: |
Continuing Operations |
17,557 |
Discontinued Operations |
- |
Earnings Per Share: |
27 |
Basic ( ) |
45.71 |
45.42 |
Diluted ( ) |
45.65 |
45.36 |
Notes forming part of consolidated financial statements |
1-39 |